In this article, Josh James – a Christian Black Metal veteran, Christian and visionary – discusses Creeds and Confessions within Christian Black Metal using the examples of Crimson Moonlight and Horde.
Imagine you are standing in the middle of a crowd, looking up at a dimly lit stage. A melodic death metal band unleashes the first notes of their opening anthem. The rhythm of the drums beats like a war cry, echoing through the darkness as the guitars unleash a beastly symphony. The thundering bass guitar feels like an ancient incantation. Then comes the vocalist’s deep growl, resonant tones that pierce your soul.
As he begins to sing, it seems as if he is revealing ancient secrets inscribed since the foundations of the world were laid. It resonates as an enigmatic invitation to participate in a time-honored rite of passage. This goes beyond a mere musical prelude; it is a ceremonial act, a summons to those brave enough to answer the call of the cross. It is a declaration of faith! It is a war cry, it is the power of a creed! Powerful imagery, isn’t it?
There is a fraternal bond that takes place when Christian creeds are used. They serve as a unifying thread that, when woven together, weaves the hearts and minds of people into a strong brotherhood of faith that transcends boundaries. In their profound and simple way, creeds act as a call to worship, inviting individuals to participate in something majestic and far greater than themselves. Creeds act as a call to join a global army of believers in a spiritual community united by common core beliefs.
We see this same aspect in the Bible. The earliest recorded creed was taken from the Apostle Paul’s words to the Corinthian church:
For I delivered to you first of all that which I also received: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, and that He was buried, and that He rose again the third day according to the Scriptures…
1 Corinthians 15:3-4 NKJV
Confessions serve as a way for people to share aspects of their experience, connecting fellow believers to the same divine purpose that transformed their own lives and inviting them to be part of a universal brotherhood that extends from one generation and culture to the next.
Throughout history, various people, such as Irenaeus and St. Augustine of Hippo, used confessions to draw people to the Christian faith. Then, in the Middle Ages, men like St. John of the Cross and Bernard of Clairvaux used creeds in their works to emphasize the unity of Christ and his people.
Closer to our own time, in the mid-1990s, the Christian black metal scene took a stand by contrasting their faithfulness to the occult themes found in mainstream secular black metal acts. The dichotomy was that the artistic and dark musicality of black metal was blended with the explicit Christian messages found in the lyrics. Often, these themes were inspired by the vast collection of Christian doctrines believed throughout Christendom.
Horde, a solo endeavor by Australian artist Jayson Sherlock, often incorporated Christian themes in creedal form into his lyrics. For example, one of the songs from his 1994 album “Hellig Usvart” included the line
…thine heart didst proclaim thy throne shall arise beyond the stars of God and be enthroned on the Northern sides of that Great Mountain far above the clouds…
In many ways the Swedish band Crimson Moonlight also enriched the black metal genre with a variety of themes found in their music, these themes encompass areas such as Trinitarianism, Christology, Theosis, Hesychasm, Deification, and more.
Often referred to as “Liturgical Black Metal of true Trinitarian Orthodoxy,” Crimson Moonlight presented a unique sound that still carries on to this day. They crafted their music in such a way that it invited listeners to engage in introspection. The lyrical content compels the listener to introspectively explore the union of body, soul, and spirit with their Creator.
While Christian Black Metal bands uniquely convey the fundamental principles of their faith, they also foster a unique sense of unity and shared identity among their audiences. They offer a Christian alternative to secular bands such as Behemoth, Marduk, Mayhem, and Emperor. While they share similar artistic aesthetics and expressions, Christians reflect the historical context of their faith in contrast to the anarchistic and nihilistic tendencies of their secular counterparts.
What unique contributions do Creeds make to the Christian metal scene that are not found in the secular scene? In layman’s terms, Creeds offers Christian bands a structured belief system to express their ideas about God, humanity and suffering through music. This allows them to infuse their songs with deep spiritual meaning, inviting listeners to commune with them and make sense of life’s big questions, exploring something not typically found in the secular scene.
In contrast, the secular scene may not delve as deeply into their spiritual beliefs. Essentially, the creeds have helped provide Christian metal bands with a unique spiritual dialect and a significant source of inspiration. The result is that their followers are united by the blood of Christ through every fiery circumstance and trial of life.
St. John of the Cross put it best when he said:
The virtuous soul that is alone and without a master, is like a lone burning coal; it will grow colder rather than hotter. Those who fall alone remain alone in their fall, and they value their souls little since they entrust it to themselves alone. If you do not fear falling alone, do you presume that you will rise up alone? Consider how much more can be accomplished by two together than by one alone.
John of the Cross, Dark Night of the Soul

About the author: My name is Josh. I heeded the call to surrender my life to Christ at the age of 12 and was baptized a few months later. I have served my fellow man in the military, in ministry, and through my writing. I am dedicated to championing brotherhood as I respond to the sacred call of the Kingdom, always looking northward!